Keeping a man is easier. Men do not require a lot to be happy. The greatest gift a wife can give to her husband is PEACE.
The Bible instructs, “However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she RESPECTS her husband”. Familiarity they say, breeds contempt. The fact that you are together doesn’t mean you should get too familiar and cross boundaries. Give him space when he needs it, respect and acknowledge his boundaries. Avoid cruel jokes, demeaning jabs and know where to draw the line. Seek his guidance and involve him in important decisions. Recognise his presence as the husband.
A lot of men lack social grace and glory because of the things their wives say about them to others. They are being looked down at Family gatherings because of what has been said about them. As a woman, It is your duty to cover up your husband’s shame, but not to put him up for mockery.
Speak well about him to others. Do not allow others to look down on Him. Once you allow others to look down on Him, you set him up for disaster. “An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, but she who brings shame is like a rotteness in his bone”. PROVERBS 4:12

The Bible declares “For the husband is the Head of the wife even as christ is the Head of the church, His body, and is himself its saviour”. Ephesians 5:23. God made the MAN the head of the family. Allow him to exercise his power as the man God made him. You have the right as the wife to share your opinion and guide, but do not take over his sovereignty.
“The wise woman builds her house, But the foolish will pull down with her hands”. PROVERBS 14:1
A wise woman speaks and exercises wisdom, she inspires and influences her husband to grow better. Every Man wants a woman who is mature. Despite his shortcomings, he expects you to treat him with love and recognise his faults in an honourable way. Where you are to react negatively, strive to be positive and address him calmly. Conflicts are typical in every marriage setting or relationship. But how you manage conflicts can maintain a balance between both of you. Don’t attack his vulnerabilities. Be reasonable about situations and how best you can maintain peace in the home by so doing, you give him a reason to return home even after an argument episode.

We wonder why mostly, men die early before their wives. Men go through a lot they can’t talk about. They are taught to suppress their feelings under the false disguise of that being a sign of strength. Pray for your husband, be his rock and strength and a reason to smile everyday. When you pray for your man, you literally build defence around Him. Go on your knees and intercede for him. The story of Abigail in 1SAMUEL 25 highlights a typical example of an intercessory wife. When Abigail saw David, the king of Israel, she fell before him, bowing to the ground and falling at his feet and asked David to spare her husband’s household. Abigail was a humble and wise woman. So she interceded for her husband.
Every wise woman knows when to intervene and intercede fervently for her husband.
Sexual intimacy builds bond between couples. Make sure you don’t starve Him. Be Intentional about releasing him from sexual stress. The Bible commands, “The wife’s body does not belong to her alone but also to her husband. In the same way, the husband’s body does not belongs to him but also to his wife. Do not deprive each other except by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourself to prayer. Then later reconnect so that Satan will not tempt you in any way.” In 1 CORINTHIANS 7:4-5, the Bible makes it clear that wives should not deprive their husbands of sex. Even when he offends you, do not deny him of sex as a mode of punishment. Give him good pleasure in bed. Also after a stressful day from work, wash him down prepare him for the bedroom. Caress him, massage his feet, rest his head on your boobs and massage his head and get him ready for your touch. NOTHING IS MORE PEACEFUL THAN SPENDING TIME WITH YOUR PARTNER IN THE ROMANTIC WORLD.
Men usually spend time in bed making sure they satisfy their women. They put their partner’s pleasures first before theirs. Dear women, sometimes reciprocate those sexual favours he gives you. Sometimes be the one to initiate and ride him in bed. Sex releases stress. So give your husband good sex and set his heart at peace.
The Bible projects in GENESIS 2:18 that, It is not good for a man to live alone. Therefore, the Lord made a helper suitable for Adam which was Eve.
The moment a woman gets married, she becomes a partner, a teammate, supporter and helper to her husband. Marriage is dual partnership. Hence, do not leave him all by himself in His endeavours. Consciously be there to complement him at where he is to take risk.
Making unnecessary demands can suck the life in Him. Know your husband’s financial strength. Do not drag him into financial disaster with your unnecessary demands. Appreciate what he can afford and help him build the future. Support him with the bills, the kids’ fees, rents etc. Make life simpler for Him by offering him support. Do not be in his life to create a mess, be there to make life easier, better and brighter for him. Nothing is more peaceful than having a wife who consistently hold you up.
In this stressful era, no man wants a nagging woman. If a woman constantly nags and rants, she really frustrates her man. If a wife always sees faults with her husband, criticises him unnecessarily, complains about everything, then she becomes a classical example of a Nag. Responsibilities and demands keep heaping in marriages and relationships. And everything cannot be dealt with at a go.
Therefore, when a woman requires something from her husband, all she needs to do is to give him time and space to fulfil the demand. Constantly ranting and nagging can push a man away from home. PROVERBS 21:9 Says, “It is better to live in a corner of the house top than live in a house shared with a quarrelsome wife”.
There is an obvious instruction from the scriptures that entreats wives to submit to their husbands. Respect manifests in submission. They are inseparably intertwined. A wife being submissive does not mean she should always be in accord with her husband, to the extent that she no longer has a thought to share.
Consequently, wives consciously and Intentionally submitting to their husbands demonstrates love, service and reverence to their husbands. When a woman submits to a man, she tends to give him a reason to love, uphold and cherish her all the time. Dear Women, be in constant submission to your husband, as Paul said in Ephesians 5:22-25. And this will consistently bring joy to your home.